Welcome to
Galen Industries

Galen Industries is a world leader in providing real solutions to hard problems.  With our help your life can once again be worth living.

But don't take our word for it!  Just listen to what our customers have to say:


When Fido became sick and our veterinarian told us we had no choice but to put him down, we turned to Galen Industries for help.  It took four treatment plans, three surgeries, and two years of intensive home care, but today we're the proud owners of the happiest goldfish you'll ever meet!

customer "

My addiction to crack cocaine had left me penniless, starving, and living on the street.  But after long and painstaking work with Galen Industries, I turned my life around and achieved my lifelong goal of financial security.  I'm able to pay rent, eat healthy, and live comfortably, and still have plenty of money left over for crack.


I nearly lost my dream job due to an issue with one of my interns.  But with the help of Galen Industries, not only was I able to keep my position for years, but today I'm profitably self-employed, running my own charity and commanding large speaking fees.  Thank you, Galen Industries!

Find out today what Galen Industries can do for you!